Popular Post: NodeJs

NodeJs Introduction

NodeJs is an open source server environment. Nodejs uses JavaScript on the server. Nodejs uses asynchronous programming.

NodeJs Modules

NodeJs has a set of built-in modules. To include a module, use the require() function with the name of the module.

NodeJs HTTP Module

In NodeJs, HTTP Module allows Node.js to transfer data over the HTTP. Use the require() method to include include the HTTP module.

NodeJs File System Module

The Nodejs file system module allows you to work with the file system. Use the require() method to include File System module.

NodeJs URL Module

In NodeJs, To include the URL module, use the require() method. The URL module splits up a web address into readable parts.

NodeJs NPM

NPM is a package manager for NodeJs packages or modules. The NPM program is installed on your computer when you install Node.js

NodeJs Events

NodeJs is event-driven. Objects in Nodejs can fire events, like the readStream object fires events when opening and closing a file.

NodeJs Upload Files

In NodeJs, Formidable module can be used to upload file. The Formidable module can be downloaded and installed using NPM.

NodeJs Send an Email

In NodeJs, The Nodemailer module is used to send emails from your computer. The Nodemailer module can be downloaded and installed using npm.

NodeJs MySQL

NodeJs can be used in MySQL database to create applications. MySQL is one of the most popular database.

NodeJs MongoDB

NodeJs can be used in database applications. One of the most popular NoSQL database is MongoDB.