Popular Post: Php

PHP Filters.

The PHP filters is used to sanitize and validate and data coming from insecure sources, like user input.

PHP Filters Advanced.

Today i will explained How To Use PHP Advanced Filters. The Advanced filtered is a provided to the php in by default. Validate an Integer Within a Range.

PHP Callback Functions.

A callback function is a function which is passed as an argument into another function. In PHP, functions can be called using call_user_func() function.

JSON with PHP.

In Php, You can convert your Objects into a well-formatted JSON string in PHP with the help of the json_encode() function.

PHP Exception Handling.

PHP has an exception model similar to that of other programming languages. An exception can be thrown and catched within PHP.

PHP - What is OOP?

PHP is an object oriented scripting language. he three major principles of OOP are - Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism.

PHP OOP Classes and Objects.

In PHP, Objects have states and behaviour. A class is a blueprint for creating objects. Classes and objects are the two main aspects of OOP programming.

PHP OOP Constructor.

In Php, Constructor is a method defined inside a class is called automatically at the time of creation of object.

PHP OOP Destructor.

A Destructor is a function used for deleting the object instance that was created by a constructor for a given class, as a part of its functional feature.

PHP OOP Inheritance.

Inheritance allows a class to reuse the code from another class without duplicating it. An inherited class is defined by using the extends keyword.

PHP OOP - Class Constants

A constant is an identifier (name) for a simple value. As the name suggests, that value cannot change during the execution of the script.

PHP OOP Abstract Classes.

In Php, An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated. Typically, an abstract defines an interface for other classes to extend.

PHP OOP Interfaces.

In PHP we can create Interfaces to defined the blueprint for the class implementing it. Interfaces allow you to specify what methods a class should implement.

PHP OOP Traits.

In Php, Traits are used to declare methods which helps developers to reuse methods freely in several independent classes.

PHP OOP Static Methods.

In PHP, static methods are used so that the developer can use the properties and attributes of a static class in the program anywhere needed.

PHP Static Properties.

In PHP, Static properties declared with static keyword and can be called directly - without creating an instance of a class.

PHP Namespaces.

In Php, namespaces allows for better organization by grouping classes that work together to perform different task without any conflict.

PHP Iterable.

PHP Iterable is a pseudo-type. It accepts any array or object implementing the Traversable interface.